Search help
(See also query syntax, Results list and Copyright and publication)
The simple search offers the possibility for quick and easy search.
Advanced Search
Multi-criteria search is made possible by combining different search criteria using Boolean
operations. The basic setting includes 4 search fields. More search fields can be added by
clicking the +-button .
The following categories are available:
- All
- All with keyword artigo
- Artist
- Title
- Location
- Discoveryplace
- Genre
- Material
- Keyword
- Description
- Date
- Credits
- Rights work
- Rights reproduction
- Record
- Record object
- Rating average
- Rating count
- User comments
Boolean operations are:
- and
- or
- and not
Linking examples
Except for the Mona Lisa, all available data records on da Vinci are shown.
Except for the Sistine Chapel, all available data records of Michelangelo in Rome are shown.
You can find further information on search operators in the "Syntax help"
Please take into consideration that all searches are performed with exact term matches. Searching for "Sunflower" will not find "Sunflowers". Adding an asterisk (*) will include all extensions of a word in the search query. "Sun*" will result in "Sun", "Sunflower", "Sunset" etc. (See also "Query syntax".)
Database selection
prometheus provides a wide range of databases depending on
specific areas of research (e.g. Archaeology or the database of a museum). You can sort the
database list by title, location, type or description.